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Showing posts from March, 2023

Top 5 ChatGPT Alternatives for Every Purpose

Top ChatGPT Alternatives for Every Purpose: ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that’s designed to provide users with information about a wide range of topics. It can write blogs, research topics, summarize websites, write resumes and cover letters, and even program software. ChatGPT has been a game-changer in the AI industry. It’s highly accessible and allows anyone to simply ask it to create content without the need to use a specifically trained tool. Ultimately, this makes it easier for people to communicate with computers. The quality of the content provided is also top-notch. ChatGPT runs on GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, however, if…

GPT-4 & Bing Chat – The End of PopUps and Irrelevant Text?

In order to understand why modern articles contain so much irrelevant text – we need to take a quick look at something called SEO. Anyone that has written an article or blog post has had to learn to understand the concept of SEO. It stands for search engine optimization and is the key ingredient to getting your site ranking well on search engines like Google and bigger. While bigger websites, with larger followings, have a little more leeway with the amount of SEO they need to apply to each article, it still plays a prominent role. Here are a few…

8 Ways GPT-4 Outperforms ChatGPT

GPT-4 is here and it’s already being used in a variety of impressive tools. If you’ve tried out ChatGPT which runs on GPT3.5, then you’ll have had a glimpse of just what GPT-4 is all about. Think of ChatGPT as a test run and GPT-4 as the final product. But, what are the main differences between these 2 incredible products? Let’s check out 8 ways GPT-4 outperforms ChatGPT: 1. GPT-4 can understand images While ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) could only process text, GPT-4 is multimodal and can understand both text and images. You can feed an image into GPT-4 and it will…